Acoustic ecology of insect-plant interactions
Lab members & F1 labs
Former lab members
PhD students:
Sabrina Michael (PhD 2023)
Cooperative foraging in treehopper nymphs
Current position: Assistant Professor, Honors College, Univ. of Missouri
Jeremy Gibson (PhD 2015)
Mechanisms of vibration localization during mate searching
Current position: Assistant Professor of Zoology, Kentucky Wesleyan University
Jennifer Hamel (PhD 2012)
Positive and negative feedback in social communication
Current position: Associate Professor, Elon University
Flavia Barbosa (PhD 2011)
Cryptic female choice in soldier flies
Current position: Associate Professor, Lake Forest University
Karthik Ramaswamy (PhD 2010)
Dynamics of collective signaling in treehopper broods
Current position: Science Communicator, Indian Institute of Science
Robert L. Snyder (PhD 2009)
Phylogeny and speciation history in Enchenopa treehoppers
Current position: Associate Professor, SUNY – Potsdam
Laura E. Sullivan Beckers (PhD 2008)
Measuring phenotypic selection on sexual signals
Current position: Associate Professor, Murray State University
Gabe McNett (PhD 2007)
Environmental sources of selection on vibrational signals
Current Position: Professor & Division Chair, Westminster College
Paul De Luca (PhD 2007)
Age effects on male signals and female choice
Current position: Deceased, Formerly at College of the Bahamas
Frederic Legendre
Current position: Curator, Musée d’Histoire Naturelle Paris
Chung-Ping Lin
Current position: Professor, National Taiwan Normal University
Rafael Rodríguez
Current position: Professor, Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MA students:
Brennan Copp (MA 2022)
Current position: self-employed, Phoenix, AZ
Kelly Hougland (MA 2018)
Current position: Data science and analytics, St. Louis, MO
Holly Shugart (MA 2004)
Current position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Pennsylvania State University